Spider Control Monavoni is a service close to the heart of many. Throughout greater Monavoni, spiders such as Rain Spiders, Button Spiders and countless other creepy crawlies plague the home of those living in fear of these creatures. Pretoria Pest Control has designed a specialized service for those who are living with Arachnophobia, the fear of Spiders.
Spiders may appear scary to some but for the greater part, many of the more common species found throughout Monavoni are harmless to humans and largely remain unnoticed. Some are an exception to this rule, hence the need for Spider Control Monavoni.
Spider Control Monavoni have a specialized treatment that targets spiders.
When it comes to controlling these creepy crawlies within the greater Monavoni area, we do it best. Highly trained staff apply advanced chemicals designed for long term control for arachnids such as Spiders, Mites and even Scorpions. The treatment clings to particles and stays active long term for guaranteed results.
The staff that carry out our Spider Control Monavoni treatments apply this residual action chemical to all high risk, key areas that Insects such as spiders frequent. This product dries clear, leaving no stains or smell. This long lasting effect makes it great for holiday homes or other premises that are mainly unoccupied. Its odorless properties ensure its safe for your loved ones and pets. In addition its safe for use in the homes for elderly as well as hospitals and even food preparation areas.
local team for Spider Control Monavoni tell us a bit about common species.
Sac Spider (Family: Eutichuridae )
These are a fearless Species of Spider. They boast a potent Cytotoxic venom that has a nasty necrotic effect. Tissue damage and permanent bruising is the order of the day after a bite from one of these. Sac Spiders are a Small species with adults only reaching about 10mm in length. They are light yellow to a creamy color. These are one of few Spiders with outward facing Tarci. Tarci are the end segments of a Spiders leg.
Black Widow Spider (Family: Latrodectus)
There are about 31 identified species of Widow Spider. Their world wide distribution makes them a common pest even in Monavoni and surrounding areas. Although rarely fatal unlike the name suggests. Bites are painful and mostly neurotoxic in nature, affecting your central nervous system. These spiders are mostly a darker color with a distinctive red marking on their abdomen.
Rain Spider (Palystes superciliosus)
These guys are large and in charge. Although big and appearing aggressive these Spiders are harmless and rarely bite (unless your a bug). They harmlessly wonder through your Monavoni home looking to take those unwanted insect pests off your hands. Spider Control Monavoni often receives calls regarding the eradication of these Gentle giants.
Spider Control Monavoni is just a phone call away.
If you live in Pretoria or surrounding area please give us a call. Our Spider experts are friendly and always willing to help. We give free telephonic quotations that are obligation free. For all you Spider Control Monavoni queries, call Pretoria Pest Control right away to put a stop to it.