Set aside American, German and Oriental Cockroaches. Pretoria has a host of indigenous Cockroach species that are just as likely to infest your home or workplace than the usual culprits. Cockroach Control Pretoria has the answer to all your roach fumigation needs. We not only positively identify the species of Cockroach. We map out key areas, ingress points as well as potential food and harbourage points. These are all integral factors than contribute towards the success of our treatments.
Do do wake up at night and find yourself catching a gimps of a shadow bolting into a dark corner of your kitchen? Do you notice small black speckles in your kitchen hinges. If you have answered yes to any of the above. There is a strong chance you have a cockroach problem.
Pretoria is a vast metropolis, fast moving, fast growing and most of all overpopulated. Overpopulation allows fast food chains, supermarkets and apartment blocks to pop up all over the place. These kind of places discard copious amounts of food and waste in unsealed, dirty and all round unsuitable bins. Its these bins that create the perfect environment for pests such as Rodents and Cockroaches.
Cockroach Control Pretoria is a specialist technique of German and American Cockroach removal. Pretoria Pest Control carefully structures Eco-friendly fumigation that are effective, long lasting and above all, safer for your kids and pets.
100% Cockroach Removal each and every time!
Cockroach Removal is never an easy feat. Generations of malpractice have allowed all the pest species of Cockroach to develop an immunity. Chemicals such as Deltamethrin, Alphacypermethrin as well as Bifenthrin used to be ahead of their game. Then came under exposure, incorrect use as well as incorrect mixing techniques. This allows Insects to be exposed to the chemicals without succumbing to their effects.
Cockroach Control Pretoria achieves 100% Cockroach removal each and every time. All without using the potentially harmful chemicals mentioned above. Instead, we will tailor a targeted approach that is holistic and free from foul smelling gasses and sprays.
What does Cockroach Control Pretoria do differently?
- A targeted Cockroach treatment: We use the word treatment as opposed to the word Fumigation. Fumigation refer to smelly gasses and odors. We target treat key areas with baits. Baited sprays, granule Bait, gel bait as well as monitoring devises are strategically placed. This method targets only the Cockroach in question and uses the insects biology against it.
- Our service is completely odorless: Our methods generally contain very little messy sprays. However, the sprays we do use are completely odorless, non-corrosive as well as clean.
- A holistic approach to Cockroach management: Our Cockroach Control Pretoria team of experts will not only treat the problem at hand. We will inspect your premises and identify key areas that are important to the successful management of the pest. This allows us to help you keep your home or workplace Cockroach free for longer. We deliver a true Eco-friendly Pest Control service.
We Fumigate the following Cockroaches in Pretoria.
Cockroaches are notoriously tough to control. Luckily for you Cockroach Control Pretoria are your local experts. Our seasoned teams know all the ins and outs of Cockroaches and Cockroach Fumigation. We use our extensive knowledge in the field to structure the perfect Fumigation.
Pretoria is home to about 2 Pest species of pest Cockroach. In order to be able to successfully manage a high level Cockroach Infestation you need to know what makes them tick. Here are a few of the more common Cockroach species found here in Pretoria.
German Cockroaches in Pretoria:
The German Cockroach is the #1 biggest pest word wide. Pretoria is no exception to this rule. German Cockroaches are the most resilient species of Cockroach and are found in Antarctica. Where there are humans, there are German Cockroaches! Here are a few facts about our notorious German roach:
- Adult German Cockroaches in Pretoria are generally flat and oval in shape. They have 6 legs, an antennae as well as a neatly tucked away set of wings. An adult rarely exceed 16mm in length. All German Cockroaches are flightless and are easily identified by the two dark stripes down their back.
- Nymph German Cockroaches on the other hand are much smaller and wingless. They can range in size between 1 and 12mm all with similar markings. Here in Pretoria, first instar nymphs commonly get mistaken for Ants.
- German Cockroaches are found in kitchens as well as sculleries. They care known to hide in white goods such as fridges, freezers as well as microwave ovens. They favor just about any source of heat and humidity.
- German Cockroaches are not directly dangerous and do not bite. They are however vectors of various diseases and bacteria. An out of control German Cockroach Infestation can even be associated with respiratory disorders as well as diarrhea.
- Common diseases caused by Cockroaches in Pretoria are Salmonella and e Coli.
American Cockroaches in Pretoria:
American Cockroaches are affectionately referred to as Sewer Bugs or Kakkerlakke by our locals. These are the fat fellas that emerge from drains and sewers at night. Its their unsavory living conditions that are conducive to all manor or nasty micro organisms. These large insects can single handedly land you up in hospital with “Gastro”. One American Cockroach alone can carry hundreds of thousands of bacteria cells that ready and waiting to infect you.
- Adult American Cockroaches in Pretoria don’t commonly exceed 40mm in length. They are a similar shape to their German cousins with different markings. American roaches (Periplaneta americana) are easily recognized by their size as well as the yellow margin in their pronotum.
- Nymph American Cockroaches range in size from 3mm to about 25mm. They range in color from nearly translucent to a bark gron in color. Unlike adults, American Cockroach nymphs are wingless.
- American Cockroaches emerge from drains shortly after sunset. This larger species of Cockroach is often found in ceiling voids as well as basements and any damp dark areas.
- American Cockroaches are a fast moving species of insect. Traveling at about 50 body lengths per second they emerge from drains and head straight for your home. As with most insects, American Cockroaches are attracted to light at night. This means that your home is literally a lit up target during the night times.
Oriental and other Cockroaches in Pretoria:
Pretoria is home to quite a number of indigenous Cockroach species. They may not be classified as Pests but believe you me, they can cause just as much distress as the more common species.
Take the Oriental Cockroach for instance. This species is a very common and hardy Pest throughout Europe. They plague areas such as kitchens, sewers as well as basements. Just like their American cousins, Oriental Cockroaches are vectors for some nasty diseases. Spreading them from their home to yours.
The Oriental Cockroach is a prime example for mistaken identity. Red Headed Cockroaches are commonly mistaken for Orientals. Currently, Pretoria has no recent reports of Oriental Cockroach Infestations plaguing the city.
Cockroach Control Pretoria can positively identify any species of pest or indigenous Cockroach. Root out their source as well as the key factors that influence their activity. Correctly identifying a Cockroach can determine the success or failure of any Cockroach removal program here in Pretoria. So always make use of a professional!
Why do you need a Cockroach Fumigation in Pretoria?
Cockroaches Come in all shapes and sizes. Big ones, small ones, fat ones, skinny ones hissing when you touch ones too. The one thing that they all have in common is their ability to spread viruses and bacteria. Not all Cockroaches are vectors for disease. It all boils down to their living conditions and the food items available in their habitat.
These are some real good reasons you need Cockroach Fumigation in Pretoria:
- Cockroaches carry dangerous bacteria on their body and legs. Cockroaches live anywhere from damp basements to nasty sewer systems. They feed off rotten food as well as human fecal matter. Their ability for survival in uncanny. With that said, the meals they snack on coupled with their living quarters bring a whole new host of pathogens to the table. Cockroach Control Pretoria can stop the spread of germs in your home or workplace.
- Cockroaches make a mess: Have you ever noticed tiny black spots on the top of your kitchen cupboards. That is Cockroach fecal matter. This is not only unsightly but filled with bacteria. Using a pest Control service in Pretoria can prevent mess caused by a Pest Infestation.
- A high level Cockroach Infestation can cause respiratory problems as well as asthma: As a Cockroach infestation grows its only natural you will have more roach bi products scattered around. Shed skins, ootheca, fecal matter and dead Cockroaches can cause respiratory problems. The small particles from broken down insect matter can get air borne. Once inhaled, these particles cause a medical menace in the long run.
Cockroach Control Pretoria are your local Pest Control specialists.
The unfortunate reality is that Cockroaches are here to stay. They may be matures clean up crew but they have no place in and around our homes and kitchens.
Fortunately, Cockroach Control Pretoria has you covered. With our 24 Hour Emergency Pest Control service you can rest assured knowing you’re in good hands during the day or at night. Let our seasoned staff help you well on your way to a Cockroach free home or workplace.
If you reside in Pretoria or any surrounding areas, feel free to give us a call. Our staff are available for great advice on Pest Prevention and proofing. Free and no obligation quote and even pest identification.
Thanks for choosing Pretoria Pest Control for all things Pest related!