Rodent Control Magalieskruin can be a specialist service. If done correctly, successful Rodent management can help stop the spread of disease and prevent damage to stored foods and linens. Pretoria Pest Control are the areas specialists when it comes to the control of Rats, Mice and other small Rodents found here in greater Magalieskruin.
Rats, Mice, Moles and even the odd Squirrel are Pest Rodents. Rodents are vectors for disease and cause damage. Furthermore, the they are on the upraise. Magalieskruin is home to urban areas as well as rural areas. Rodents have found a way to inhabit even the most harsh climate and survive off the smallest food scraps. Poor hygiene, atrocious waste management as well as incorrect storage practices set the stage for an all out Rodent Infestation. Our specialist Rodent Control Magalieskruin staff are trained to handle even the toughest Rat Infestation. This page will explain why Pretoria Pest Control are on top of our game when it comes to all aspects of Structural Pest Control.
Rodent Control Magalieskruin do it correctly
As with most things in life there are right ways and wrong ways in doing things. Rodent Control Magalieskruin do it the right way the first time around. Unlike some of our competitors, Pretoria Pest Control strive for service excellence and don’t only treat the symptom. We treat the cause of an infestation.
During each visit to your site to carry out our treatments, our Rodent Control Magalieskruin staff with do a full site inspection. This will help us determine the cause of Infestation. The species of Rodent in question as well as the level of infestation. This knowledge with help us suss out ingress points, harbourage areas and food source. If we combine these details to help us gain full and long term results in and and all situations.
Rodent Control Magalieskruin help stop the spread of disease spreading Rats and Mice
Some people may think Rodents such as Rats and Mice are cute to keep as pets. They may be playful and intelligent creatures, the problem with this is that they carry disease and pathogens. They are incontinent, this means they urinate and defecate as they wonder through your kitchen pantry searching for their next meal.
Rodent Control Magalieskruin identify two main ways in which Rodents can spread disease. These are namely Direct spread and Indirect spread. Direct spread is through direct contact with Rodent urine or feces. Indirect spread of disease is where Fleas or other ecto-parasites spread diseases from Rats, Mice and Rodents to humans.
Rats in Magalieskruin
Here in Magalieskruin the Rodent Control Magalieskruin team of experts identify two species of Rats that plague the home and spread disease to many. These two species are namely the Black Rat and the Brown Rat.
Black Rats are also known as Roof Rats they often frequent roofs, they are agile and climb trees to gain access. Brown Rats, affectionately know as sewer rats are the bigger of the two and mostly frequent tunnels under ground. Both these Rats can climb however the smaller more slender Black Rats are more prone to Roof Infestation. This happens especially in the winter months when Rodents are in search for warmth and harbourage.
Mice in Magalieskruin
There are two main species that we deal with here in Pretoria. Well not two as such but two types. These are namely Field Mice and House Mice. Only House Mice tend to be adventurous and Infest homes while Field Mice frequent barns and roofs. They are mostly a problem and nuisance in the more rural areas of Magalieskruin.
Rodent Control Magalieskruin mainly deal with the House Mouse (Mus musculus) these Mice are more common inside homes and are known to increase in numbers quite substantially all throughout the year. The average House Mouse feeds mainly on Insects and scraps of food left over from last night, they are commonly attracted to houses by pet foods. Dog and Cat food left out over night provides the perfect balanced diet that every House Mouse could ever dream of.
Field Mice on the other hand live in tunnels under ground or in bales of hay. They feed off seeds and grains often associated with bird feeders as well as seed stores and nurseries.
Rodent Control Magalieskruin are on top of the Pest Management game here in Magalieskruin
Rodent come in all shapes and sizes, some cute and some not. There are even people that keep Rats or Mice as pets. With this said wild Rats and Mice are not cut from the same cloth. They can be aggressive if cornered and even bite. This could lead to expensive doctor visits and a painfully large bill associated with it at the end of the month.
Rodent Control Magalieskruin has you covered. Prepare for Rodents this season with a visit from our Rodent Management specialists. Quotations are free and no obligation. Our friendly staff are full of industry knowledge to prepare your home and garden against a Rat or Mouse Infestation.