Have you ever woken up to a crawling sensation on your skin? Do you have a red itchy rash running in lines down your body? If you have answered yes to the above, the chance you have Bed Bugs is quite high. Bed Bug Control Annlin team of experts can diagnose and treat any level of Bed Bug Infestation effortlessly. With our quality guaranteed service, you can rest assured you will never wake up feeling violated by bugs again.
Owning or managing a Hotel or B&B here in Annlin is never an easy task, a Bed Bug Infestation does not make it any easier. Regardless of your premises or your prevailing hygiene conditions Bed Bugs have no boundaries! They can infest your home or business with out prejudiced. Our skilled team of Bed Bug Control Annlin experts are compassionate and discreet. We are ready to handle any and all levels of Insect Infestations.
Bed Bug Control Annlin are a team of Biting Insect Experts. After a careful inspection, we can identify the species and level of your Bed Bug infestation. We identify key areas as well as the potential cause of the problem before applying a treatment. Our Bed Bug removal teams carefully tailor a treatment bespoke to what you need as well as your unique situation.
Get 100% Bed Bug removal each and every time.
Bed Bugs are a very sneaky species of Insect. They range in size greatly and are nocturnal. An active Bed Bug infestation can creep up on your when you least expect it. The Bed Bug Annlin team of experts have developed a fool proof and integrative way that will eradicate any level of Bed Bug Infestation here in Annlin. This means you get 100% Bed Bug removal each and every time!
Our experts are trained to work closely with clients to ensure long term results. We will educate clients on maintaining Bed Bug free home or work place. We will also inform our clients on steps to take to ensure it never happens again. On top of this all we, treat any level of infestation successfully first time round.
Our Bed Bug Annlin experts only use the most advanced chemical technology available in Annlin. We make use of high grade application equipment for only the best service. All our chemical applications are long term, low-odor and leave no mess and staining. Unlike many of our competitors, our Bed Bug Control Annlin Experts will never use Organophosphates.
How did i get a Bed Bug Infestation in Annlin?
How did i get a Bed Bug Infestation? This is the most common question asked by millions of people each year. As mentioned above Bed Bugs have no boundaries. Because Annlin is a growing metropolis, overpopulation, artificial heat and close living quarters don’t help things along. This just makes an infestation easier to contract and tougher to control.
Here are some of the top reasons and ways to contract a Bed Bug Infestation in Annlin:
- Sleep overs, this may sound childish and immature but its reality. Bed Bugs are mostly a metropolitan species of pest. They are not common in the wild but rather rely on humans and animals for sustenance. In many cases you can house sit for a friend while they are away. They may have an underlying infestation and you intern unknowingly take it home. Spread them to your kids and family.
- Public transport, public transport in never a clean and sanitary way to travel. People from all walks of life use the same transport systems day in and day out. Buses, Planes and Trains are frequented by millions of people each year, you know where then have all been? The nature of public transport enables people to stay seated for long periods of tine, this gives any hitch hiking insect a chance to hide in the cracks in your seat.
- Hotels and short term rented accommodation, this is the biggest cause of a bed Bug Infestation. Our Bed Bug Control Annlin Experts believe that B&B’s, Hotels and other accommodation providing businesses are the biggest culprits for the spread of these vampire like insects. Different people from different walks of life stay in these places leaving all sorts of nastiness behind.
Here is some biology from our Bed Bug Exterminators.
Bed Bugs are found in Annlin and through out the rest of the world, they are a common Pest Insect with quite a built up resistance to many professional and armature use Insecticides. In many third world countries they are though to be a myth, the nature of this vampire like Insect makes an infestation quite hard to diagnose in some cases. Bed Bug Control Annlin experts have the following to say about these Pests.
- Bed Bugs live in Clothes, bedding and luggage bags as well as in the base of your bed.
- Bed Bugs leave blood smears on your sheets as evidence of their presence. This is actually the fecal matter of he Insect.
- Bed Bugs can survive up to 100 days without food, in fact in the colder countries they can go an entire year without a blood feed.
- Bed Bugs can not fly, although they are fast moving they don’t have wings, they don’t jump like Bird Mites or Fleas and certainly don’t fly.
- Bed Bugs are reddish Brown in color and about 5-6mm in length, they are by no means small Insects. After a blood feed they can elongate by at least 1mm.
- Female can lay up to 200 – 500 eggs during her life time which is about 300 days in optimal conditions.
- Bed Bug Bites are not painless like some may think. What makes the bites numb is the saliva they inject. This thins your blood and numbs the area, making their host none the wiser.
Call our Bed Bug Control Annlin team of experts for a free quote.
There you have it, Bed bugs are nasty pieces of work, infestations may be hard to control and spread very quickly. Leave the Bed Bug Infestation in the hands of the Pest Control Annlin experts we are here for any and all Pest Infestations within the Greater Annlin area.
If you reside in Annlin or any of the surrounding areas and you suspect you need the help of our Bed Bug Control Annlin team of experts. Please do not hesitate to give us a call. Our staff are friendly and always willing to help with any and all pest related issues. Quotes are obligation free and cost nothing. We are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Any structural Pest can be controlled by our team of expert Pest Exterminators. Pretoria Pest Control, we are the leaders in Pest Prevention and Pest Extermination in Annlin.